Professional Development

Please check with your supervisor in advance for authorization if you plan to use work time to complete or participate in any training. Policies, available opportunities, and budgets for paid time for continuing education vary across the region.

Skills Building

Level Up! provides continuing education opportunities. Are you hosting an event that is open to all? Submit it to the calendar here.  TdS can provide your institution with scholarship dollars to defray your costs.

Summary of professional development opportunities

Media Landscapes: 23 Things is a self-paced professional development activity developed by Minnesota's Multitype Library Systems. It will help you:

Reward a member library immediately with your effort!

TdS member library staff that complete "Things" earn actual cash for a TdS member library of their choice that can be spent on new materials, programming, whatever! This opportunity has limited funding, and it is first-come, first-benefits.

We'll count up your Things and send the library an honorarium in your honor! Do one Thing or all 23. Do them in order, or mix it up. Spend the amount of time and effort on the Things that feels right to you. This is learning for you, you are free to customize it as you see fit.

Click for the list of member libraries

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